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Ms. Guthrie’s Classroom Expectations 2019-2020


Required Materials: 2” 3-ring-binder; paper; pencil; blue, green, and red pens
Recommended Materials: German-English dictionary; highlighter


Goals: Homework: 10%          Labs: 20% Quizzes/Projects: 30% Tests/Projects: 40%


Homework: According to the district homework policy, homework is worth 10% of the student’s grade. Home includes, but is not limited to, assigned homework (in and out of class), and participation.


Labs: Labs include, but are not limited to, warm-ups, speaking credit, journals, and listening activities.

Warm-ups will be given at the start of each period. The student must keep track of their warm-up sheet and turn it in at the end of the week.

Because learning a foreign language requires speaking it, weekly speaking credit will be assigned. At the beginning of each week students are shown 4 possible topics for their speaking credit. By the end of the week they should have studied and recited 2 of the 4 choices to the teacher. This should be done before school, after school or at another time students have arranged with the teacher. Only 1 may be completed on the last day of the school week unless prior arrangements have been made.

Listening activities will be conducted in class. Comprehension of the activity and completion of the corresponding assignment will make-up the student’s grade.


*German 3 and 4: Journals will be written in on a weekly basis. Requirements for journals are on a separate hand-out.


Quizzes: Announced quizzes will be given often over the course of each semester. Each quiz will evaluate the comprehension of the material studied in class. Unannounced quizzes will be given if the teacher feels that students are not prepared before coming to class.


Tests: All tests and projects will fall under this category. Tests will mostly focus on the material included in the specific chapters of the textbook. However, students will be expected to use previously studied vocabulary and grammar accurately. Tests may include sections on grammar and vocabulary as well as oral, listening, and reading comprehension.


*There will be 3-4 projects/writing assignments for the course of each semester based on the material covered in class.

Engagement: Students need to be mentally and physically prepared for class.  Bring materials (textbook, paper, pen or pencil, handouts, student agenda) and completed assignments to class daily.  Be alert and attentive. Students should also follow the JHS Technology Regulations as set forth in the JHS handbook. No electronic devices should be on or visible during class time. Failure to comply will result in confiscation of the device.

Respect: Giving or receiving verbal or written assistance on homework, individual assignments, quizzes or tests, or using someone else’s ideas or phrasing either on purpose or through carelessness and representing the idea or phrasing as your own without properly crediting the author is unacceptable. All assignments done outside of the German classroom are individual assignments unless the teacher states otherwise. No verbal or written assistance is to be given or received. If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, a zero (0) will be given on that assignment, quiz, or test, and notification will be sent to the principal and parents/guardians of the student.

Management: Points are earned for all activities, assignments, participation, quizzes and tests.  Late assignments will be accepted, but they will receive reduced credit. Grades will be posted on Skyward, and both parents and students are urged to check it regularly.

Remind, a safe texting service which allows parents and students to communicate with the teacher (and vice versa) without sharing personal numbers, is an important tool for students in all German classes. I will use this service to send out homework, quiz, test, etc., reminders. If students have a question on an assignment, they can take a picture of the problem and send it to me. Remind is to only be used for school purposes. I cannot guarantee a response after 9:30 pm or before 7:00 am.

To sign up for Remind simply text the class code to the number 81010. Both parents and students are encouraged to sign up!

German I: @jhsg1 German II: @jhsg2 German III: @jhsg3 German IV: @jhsg4

Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly and to arrive to class on time.  If a student is absent, he/she should get the make-up work when he/she returns and complete it according to the JHS policy.

Late work will be accepted under the following conditions: The first day an assignment is turned in late, 20% will be taken off. After that first day, 50% will be taken off. The student will then have until the end of the current unit to complete that assignment. An assignment will not be accepted if it is turned in after the end of the current unit.

Newsworthy: Communication is the key to success in school.  I urge both students and parents to let me know their concerns.  The best way to contact me is via the school email because I am able to check it anywhere and at any time.  My email address is  You may also leave me a voicemail at school by calling 217-243-4384 and connecting to extension 2812.  I check my voicemail at the beginning and end of each school day. Let me know the best time and way to contact you.

I am available for extra help during 5th Period Monday through Friday as well as during Advisory at the end of the day. Students must have a pass from me to see me during 3rd Period. I am also available before and after school. I arrive at JHS by 7:30 am and leave at 3:45 pm.

My Schedule - All classes at JHS are in Room 812


1st Period:  German I
2nd Period: German II               
3rd Period:  German I  

4th Period:  A Lunch/German II
5th Period:  Prep*  
6th Period:  German I            

7th Period:  German III/IV                

Crimson Time: Media Center


*5th Period is the best time for parents/guardians to reach me by telephone. I will be in the Foreign Language Office during this time. Before and after school I can also be reached in my classroom.


Viel Glück und viel Spaß! Frau Guthrie

(Ms. Lynette Guthrie)



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